MNA Board Meeting: Wed Jan 20th @ 7pm

The MNA will hold a virtual (Zoom) board meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at 7pm. If you wish to attend, please RSVP to and you will be emailed a meeting link on the Monday before the meeting (for security purposes).

Introducing the new MNA website!

Today I am pleased to roll out the new MNA website at (read it as MountainNA).  The goals of the redesign are to bring the website code up to date to address security issues (and make it easier to apply updates), enhance the usability, and provide a better overall solution for membership and our content.

In addition to migrating the old content, I also wanted to experiment with new features that would make the website more valuable to the members of the association. Please direct any feedback or additional ideas to me at  or on the website feedback forum (this is open to everyone to read but requires logging in to post).

New features on the site include the following (some are explained in detail below):

MNA Membership

MNA membership will now be associated with a website login (this will greatly simplify life for our webmasters).  All Mountain residents are invited to create a new login on the site at the Membership Registration page.  Once you create an account, your information will be visible in the Membership Directory, and you will be able to access the members-only pages on the site. 

***Please pay via Credit Card (the PayPal link) if possible, since this greatly reduces the work to process memberships, otherwise select “Pay by Check” and follow the post-checkout instructions.***

Member Business Listings

In addition to our Recommended Businesses list (compiled from Google Groups recommendations by John Peterson), we have also introduced Member Business listings.  Any resident can add their business (or their child’s, etc) for $50/year per listing.  We are hoping this provides a way for us as residents to support our neighbor’s businesses while their businesses also help support the MNA. 

NOTE: As a trial to see how well these are utilized, any business can create a listing for free until the September renewal.  Please contact me  to set one up.

Other Fun Stuff


Have you ever thought “I wonder if someone in the neighborhood has a [ladder, matte cutter, some other random item] I could borrow”?  In addition to “for sale, “wanted”, and “free” categories, I’ve also created a “to borrow/rent” category where members can list items they would be willing to lend to others in the neighborhood.  I’m sure collectively, we all have enough tools to fill a Lowes, Hobby Lobby, or Toys ‘R Us, so here is your opportunity to find a new home for old stuff, help out a neighbor, or simply find an alternative to buying things you may only need to use occasionally.

Suggestion Box

One of the issues the MNA board faces is trying to gauge the neighborhood interest in capital improvements or ideas to help bring the neighborhood together.  The new website has a suggestion box where members (or the board) can submit ideas and get feedback on which ones have the backing of the neighborhood.   MNA members can browse the suggestions and upvote the ones they support and the MNA board will gauge the feasibility or work towards implementing programs. 

Photo Album

In addition to some newer photos, I have also scanned some really old pictures from the 1992 Tree Planting event.  Log in to view them and see if you recognize anyone 🙂 

Online Forums

The online forums aren’t meant to replace the Google list but instead provide an easier way to form smaller discussion groups that don’t spam the entire neighborhood.  I foresee this being used to facilitate the Mountain interest groups (i.e. sign into a forum to get updates on when Pickleball is being played or look for a cycling partner) as well as facilitate other discussions (like website feedback, organize MNA events, etc).


Please let me know of feedback that anyone has about the website.  I’m always open to new ideas for things to add (most of the things I’ve added are things I thought would be useful).  Also let me know if anyone encounters problems creating a login or has questions about using the site.  I can also try to put together some FAQs or tutorials for common questions.

Eric Deal

MNA Virtual Board Meeting – April 16th @ 7pm

The MNA will host its 2nd quarter Board Meeting on Thursday, April 16th at 7pm. In light of the ongoing corona-virus social separation, the meeting will be held via video conference.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Review of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Officer/Committee Reports
    1. President’s Report – CodeNext/Rezoning
    2. Treasurer’s Report
    3. Website – migrate to WordPress, upgrades
      1. Vote: Allocate $300 for WordPress Membership Plugin
    4. Social:
      1. May Social (movie): cancel or postpone?
      2. Mountain Groups update (minimal interest to date) – plus more difficult when social distancing
    5. Reports from any other standing committees
  5. Unfinished Business
  6. New Business
    1. General Discussion
  7. Open Forum
  8. Adjournment – Next meeting date…

If you are interested in joining. please sign up below. You will be emailed a link for the video conference a day before the meeting. This will allow us to ensure the security and integrity of the meeting.

Cancelled: It’s My Park Day – Sat April 4th, 9am-noon

The park day has been cancelled this year with the recent Stay at Home notice.

In conjunction with the Austin Parks Foundation, the MNA is hosting our annual “It’s My Park Day” on Saturday, April 4th. This is your opportunity to give back to our neighborhood park by helping to plant beds, mulch trees, and clean up brush while getting to know more of your neighbors.

Please register at

Please bring a reusable water bottle to help eliminate waste. Austin Parks Foundation will provide tools, but shovels and wheelbarrows are always in short supply.

Mountain Groups

The MNA is organizing several groups provide residents an opportunity to gather, discuss, or socialize around common interests.  Our initial set of groups are:

  • Sustainability
  • Carpooling
  • Gardening
  • City Issues
  • Pickleball
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Kickball

If you are interesting in finding out more, please add your name to the form and you will be contacted by the group leader.

Pickleball: Next meetup is Friday, March 6th @ 9am at Mountainview Park tennis courts.

Feb 6th 2020 MNA Board Meeting Minutes

The MNA held its first meeting of 2020 on Feb 6 and the minutes can be found here:  Feb 6 2020 Meeting Minutes

The MNA is planning more social events and opportunities for residents to get together this year (see the minutes).  We will be using the MNA mailing list (not the Google Group) to announce upcoming activities and encourage all Mountain residents to become members of the MNA to be more engaged with our neighborhood.

For inquries about the MNA, please contact Eric Deal at “mna @ dealfamily . net”

MNA Board Meeting – Thursday, Feb 6th at 7pm

The Mountain Neighborhood Association will hold its next meeting this Thursday evening at 7pm.  The meeting will be at 10703 McFarlie Cove (Eric Deal’s house).

This will be our first meeting with our new board and we plan on holding meetings once per quarter.  The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Review of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Officer/Committee Reports
    1. President’s Report
    2. Treasurer’s Report
    3. Membership Report
    4. Reports from any other standing committees
  6. Other Items
    1. Social Events
    2. Community Involvement
    3. MNA Website
    4. MNA Entrance Improvements?
    5. CodeNext Discussion
  7. General Discussion
  8. Open Forum
  9. Adjournment – Set next meeting date

All MNA members are welcome to attend, but I would like to ask that you are not on the board and are planning on attending, please send me an email at so I know how many people to expect.


Hello Mountain Residents,
Need more space in the home? It could be time for a little Spring cleaning. Several Mountain neighborhood families have expressed interest in holding a garage sale and rather than each family having their own garage sale, we thought we could maximize the exposure by turning this into another spectacular Mountain Neighborhood Garage Sale, now scheduled for Saturday, April 6th, 2019, 8am-12pm.  
You can always run your own garage sale but if you’d like to participate in the one we are organizing,  please contact the organizers (below) and send your address and a short list of items you’ll have for sale.
In addition, we like to find ways to incorporate children where we can as a learning and growing experience. We encourage families with children to get their children to help organize and run the garage sale. In doing so, we will have a raffle and give away up to three (3) $20 to 3 children (under the age of 12) in the neighborhood at the end of event who gets involved in the garage sale.  This is on an honor system so parents can email their child’s name to the email below for the raffle. We will have a third party draw the winners and make the announcement.
Co-organizers:  Donna Bhavsar  & Judit Kolics
Here’s to a new Spring, less clutter and more space to live and play.
Donna & Judit
Neighborhood Parent Volunteers