MNA Board Meeting – Thursday, Feb 6th at 7pm

The Mountain Neighborhood Association will hold its next meeting this Thursday evening at 7pm.  The meeting will be at 10703 McFarlie Cove (Eric Deal’s house).

This will be our first meeting with our new board and we plan on holding meetings once per quarter.  The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Review of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Officer/Committee Reports
    1. President’s Report
    2. Treasurer’s Report
    3. Membership Report
    4. Reports from any other standing committees
  6. Other Items
    1. Social Events
    2. Community Involvement
    3. MNA Website
    4. MNA Entrance Improvements?
    5. CodeNext Discussion
  7. General Discussion
  8. Open Forum
  9. Adjournment – Set next meeting date

All MNA members are welcome to attend, but I would like to ask that you are not on the board and are planning on attending, please send me an email at so I know how many people to expect.