The Mountain Neighborhood Association By-laws call for standing committees to assist the executive board. This list provides a brief description of each. For more information on all standing committees please see Article II, Executive and Standing Committees of the By-laws.
- The Architectural Control Committee enforces deed and covenant restrictions for the entire neighborhood.
- The Maintenance and Capital Improvements Committee addresses issues concerning the appearance of the neighborhood such as the front entrance and park.
- The Government Committee respresents the Association with local government agencies with members attending meetings when necessary.
- The Traffic and Security Committee works with the Austin Police Department, Fire Department and other government agencies on issues of traffic flow, speeding or parking violations, and other safety issues.
- The Social Committee organizes various neighborhood events for all members.
- The Membership Committee maintains a list of members, recruits block captains, greets new residents and assists with the publication of the directory.
- The Directory Committee is responsible for publishing the neighborhood directory.
- The Newsletter Committee writes, edits, publishes and distributes The Mountain Newsletter quarterly.
- The Advertising and Publicity Committee obtains advertising and sponsorships for neighborhood publications and events.
- The Holiday Lights committee is responsible for ordering and delivering trees during the holidays.
- The Web Site committee (aka Web Wranglers) is responsbile for maintaining this web site.
Other committees:
- none at this time