MNA Election — Officers, volunteer sign-up, and updates to the Bylaws

The annual MNA election will start on Fri June 17th and be open for two weeks through June 30th.  Balloting will be done online only and results will be announced within a day or so of the ballot closing.  Items on the ballot:

  • Election of the exec board
  • Election of ACC reps
  • Sign-up for committees
  • Vote on Bylaws update


A brief summary of the updates in the Bylaws:

The annual MNA election will start on Fri June 17th and be open for two weeks through June 30th.  Balloting will be done online only and results will be announced within a day or so of the ballot closing.  Items on the ballot:

  • Election of the exec board
  • Election of ACC reps
  • Sign-up for committees
  • Vote on Bylaws update


A brief summary of the updates in the Bylaws:

  1. Added paragraph numbering to sections for easy reference.
  2. Added Article II which outlines Administration practices including requirements for meetings, notifications, votes, quorums, definitions of one vote per lot, including consolidating text from other parts of the existing By-Laws.
  3. Set notification period before elections to be at least 10 days and for the voting period to be open for 14 days.
  4. Allowed the Annual Meeting to be in late September (when it is cooler and more pleasant to be outside) while allowing the annual election still happen in June (when board members have more time to work on neighborhood things than in the September back-to-school crush).
  5. Updated communication delivery methods to put emphasis on e-mail and in person delivery (such as by block captains), remove facsimile and de-emphasize US postal mail.
  6. Removed legalese that just made things hard to read if it did not add clarity.
  7. Emphasized the Entrance in references to Common Areas.
  8. Resolved conflicting sections about how many board meetings are required per year (one section said minimum of one per year, other section said a minimum of four per year) to a minimum of three MNA board meetings per year.
  9. Required committee chairs and members of the ACC to be association members.
  10. Added that the nominating committee will also solicit volunteers for all standing committees.
  11. Recognized existing committees as standing committees rather than ad hoc committees, and named them Holiday Trees, and Web Site.
  12. Removed the Historian position (and merged those responsibilities with those of the Secretary and Web Site committee).
  13. Rearranged various sections to put like topics together.
  14. Cleaned up language in various places.

The names on the ballot are available for preview here

The full Bylaws update text is available here